The Powerful Psychology Behind Cleanliness
  What is it about well-organised homes that make people feel comfortable? Why is it that many spend all of their free time paging through blogs teaching them how to manage their time, rearrange their closets and homes, and colour code everything in their lives? The Psychology Behind Organisation

Scientific studies can prove that cleanliness is soothing and relaxing.

Per a study led by Nicole R., Keith, a Ph.D., professor at Indiana University, and a research scientist, people who have clean homes are not only healthier, they're also happier. Nicole and her co-workers tracked the physical health of 0ver 990 African American's ages 49 to 65 in a demographic that is known to be at a higher risk for heart disease. Those who kept their houses clean were not only healthier, they were also more active than those who didn't keep their houses clean. Interestingly, this was even more predictive of health than neighbourhood walkability.

Why Is Organising So Challenging?

The number one reason that home organisation is so challenging is clutter. It's easy to collect things in life. Many of the items collected aren't really needed, such as that bag of potting soil from when you planned on starting an indoor herb garden (ten years ago). There may be a huge collection of birthday cards from many decades, that waffle iron sitting on the kitchen counter (that hasn't been used in years), or perhaps other objects that at the time, sounded like a great deal. These items are taking up valuable space in your home and they may not belong there.

Ridding Yourself of Clutter

Get rid of clutter. Yes, it can be difficult to let go of the past. There may be a lot of emotion in letting go of things. Try to donate your clutter or have a yard sale and let it go. Take pictures so that you'll have the memories without the clutter. You may also find a way to store and rotate these items in your home and this can also flow into your work environment, perhaps suggesting office cleaning services may motivate you and your work colleagues. Secondly, you don't have enough time. Let's face it, it took years to collect all of those things and it can take a long time to declutter. How can you keep up with your job, family, and hobbies if you're spending your valuable time cleaning and decluttering? Sadly, when you're unorganised, you're going to find that you work less efficiently, you spend less time with your family and your hobbies will take a back seat.


Take small steps. Just as you brought your clutter in slowly over time, you can declutter, slowly over time. In just 30 minutes per day, you can work on cleaning and organisation and if that is too long, then break it down into 2 fifteen-minute sessions per day. The trick here is to break it down into short sessions so that you won't give up and quit. Lastly, you've forgotten how good it feels to be organised. There is nothing more comforting than knowing where everything is. A well organised home will give you this feeling. You'll save time and emotional energy if you simply hang your coat up when you first walk in the door instead of hanging it on the bedpost or the floor. Taking that extra moment to hang it properly will save you a lot of time later in the day when you're trying to pick up the homes.

On The Go

Organise as you go. Don't walk by that object on the floor, pick it up, and put it away when you are beside it. Read any anti-clutter article and you're sure to find a few tips to help you along the way. You'll feel better physically and mentally when you do this.